Month: March 2018

Filter Fraud

Filter Fraud

Ok girls. I see what you’re doing. It’s taken me awhile, but I finally figured it out. Well, to be honest someone right-out told me, but I still feel like a mystery has been solved, and I solved it. That’s all that matters here. I’ve 

I’m starting to feel my age

I’m starting to feel my age

Why didn’t anyone tell me I was getting old? I had no idea. I’ve foolishly been blaming my slow lifestyle and borderline retirement conversations on my older friends, only to realize, even my youngest of compadres are talking like seniors. In fairness to me, many 

I’m afraid of my daughter

I’m afraid of my daughter

It occurred to me this week that I’m a teeny bit afraid of my nine-year-old. Not the kind of fear that sends you to a closet to hide, or to your purse for pepper spray. Just the kind that has me avoiding situations of confrontation 

I hate making lunches

I hate making lunches

“Please … write about lunches!” I can’t attribute this quote to anyone in particular because too many friends offered up the same advice. The overall theme isn’t necessarily what to PUT in lunches, but the fact that we have to make them at all. Such 

Don’t mess with mom hormones

Don’t mess with mom hormones

“Wow! You look so pretty … (my ears perk up) … for a mom”. And there it is; the compliment that never was. I’m sure the 16-year-old handing me coffee meant no offence. On the contrary, she looked rather pleased with herself for providing so 

Drinking wine in your yoga pants

Drinking wine in your yoga pants

If you’ve been on any type of social media for more than ten minutes, you’ve seen it. Jokes, photos, and comments on drinking wine. And yes, it’s mostly us ladies. “To relieve stress I do yoga. Just kidding, I drink wine in my yoga pants” 



Picture if you will, a school, with play structures in the front instead of the back. Monkey bars and ladders along the very sidewalk parents use to take their darling children from school, to their vehicles, at day’s end. Now, visualize the delicate dance all