8 simple things that will surely make you feel happier.

Well folks, it’s February. The time when we start to realize we haven’t thought about our New Year’s resolutions since midnight December 31st. Which is why I don’t make resolutions. Breaking them makes me feel like a shmuck only weeks into a brand new year. I’m tired of feeling like a shmuck.

This year, I decided to focus on what I do right – instead of what I don’t do at all. I’m sharing my top 8 that will surely make you feel better about yourself. So screw the gym and try one of these instead:

  1. Purge. Nothing is off limits here. Clothing, furniture, socks, people. If it doesn’t bring you joy – dump it.

  2. Schedule time with friends. Now that you’ve purged, get the people you love on the calendar. Even if the date isn’t for months, make sure the people who truly appreciate you, are booked in for some fun.

  3. Dance. Dance while doing your hair, making stew, in the car (safety first) or in your daughter’s hockey dressing room (my girl LOVES this). If you really shake it – you’ll even burn some calories. The point is that it’s impossible to feel frustrated or sad when you’re busting a move (can we still say that?).

  4. Screw social media. Every time you’re about to pick up your phone – ask yourself why. Responding to an email? Seeing if your kid texted? Making sure a world leader hasn’t destroyed the universe? Legit reasons. But if it’s boredom, and you’re about to zombie scroll – consider this … every minute that you’re scrolling, commenting and looking at other people’s lives – you’re missing your own. Set a time limit, and stick to it.

  5. Eat for joy. A friend once had me read a book about health – well, sort of. It might have been about a woman who dies and comes back to life – but that sounds insane. The biggest take away from the truly beautiful story, was that if you do things with joy, it will never be ‘unhealthy’. A beautiful glass of wine with a delicious meal – fantastic. An entire bottle while you cry into a bag of chips (I’ve done this) – not so much. An ice cream cone on a walk with friends – perfection. Eating an entire tub of Haagen-Dazs followed by a bag of cheezies – delicious, but questionable. Indulge with happiness in your heart.

  6. Crank up the oldies (see #2) . There’s something about listening to music attached to your teen self that’s spirit lifting. Here’s a few of my favourites, in case you were wondering – ‘Dancing Queen’ (Abba), ‘Another one Bites the Dust’ (Queen), and ‘U Got the Look’ (Prince). Bonus As soon as the music starts, your kids will know the humiliation is about to begin.

  7. Hang out with kids. Let’s be clear – I’m talking preteen kids. Teenagers can be intimidating and judgey (it’s like high school all over again, only now you’re old and wrinkly). Kids are fun, easy to hang out with and full of energy. They don’t care what you’re wearing or if you plucked your eyebrows (teens would notice). Anytime I’m surrounded by kids, I’m happier. Kinda hard not to be.

  8. Compliment a stranger. In all my 42 years (ha!), the best compliment I ever received, came from a stranger. Picture it – I’m walking towards a downtown coffee shop. A woman is standing there. Curlers in her hair, cigarette in her hand, wearing pajamas and a parka. She’s glaring at me – studying me from head to toe. As I come closer, she throws her smoke on the ground, then crushes it with her slipper boot. My body tenses, I’m sure she’s going to punch me. Instead, she says “Hey you. Nice coat”. I’m beaming, she’s now smiling, and we’re in a conversation about the animal print jacket I bought on sale at Macys. This chance encounter started one of my favourite things to do. The genuine surprise from a flattered stranger, always make me smile.

See? All pretty simple stuff.

If you try one – will you tell me? And, if you have one to share – please do! But, if it’s about an ironman race or a juice cleanse – don’t bother. I’m not that girl. Happy February!