Failed Covid Goals

It’s funny.

When COVID became a ‘thing’ and we were all sent home to hide, I really thought it would be my creative revolution. The pause in time that would allow me to tap into my inside voice – which has mysteriously gone missing.

Locked up in my favourite place, I had grand expectations of blogging, posting, and using the bonus time to write and see where it would take me.

But, like the idea that I would clean that disgusting dispenser in my washing machine – it never happened.

For the first month – I blamed it on the pandemic. Heck, news of a world-wide outbreak had us all a little freaked out. So, I cut myself some slack. Truth be told, I was also too busy bleaching everything to be creative. How could I possibly think with all the fumes?

After that – well, who knows.

What did it finally take? A lesson to my kids about setting a goal and achieving it– that’s what.

As trivial as it may seem, I committed to writing something before week’s end. Then dammit – I was stuck. After all, I had an example to set. How’s the boy to wake up before 2pm, if I can’t even put 300 words on a piece of paper?

The fact that I wrote about writing may be a bit of a loop hole. But since they rarely read my stuff and likely won’t comment – I’ll call it a ‘win’.

I can’t help but feel a little amused that I thought a pandemic was a good time to think big. Nearly 4 months into this and my only accomplishments include closet purging, Netflix watching, grocery scrubbing and potato eating. I’m ok with that.

I certainly can’t be the only one who saw isolation as an opportunity for personal advancement – and then fell short. If you’re feeling the same – tell me about it!

p.s. While they don’t read my blogs, they do notice photos, and I ‘get-it’ good when they see their faces on my feed. Hell hath no fury like an 11 year old girl with an iPad.

Speaking of photos … this one is clearly pre-Covid. The only thing this picture has in common with my current life is the wine.
