Why you need to thank Grandma for your #COVID15

Have you noticed that in stressful times – we turn to simple comfort foods and not fancy cuisine?

Think about it.

Can you really enjoy culinary wizardry with teeny portions and exquisite presentations – while curled up on the sofa in your sweatpants?

That’s a “hell no” from me.

What do you consider comfort food? Is it a big serving of cheesy lasagna, a steamy plate of spicy cabbage rolls, gooey chocolate chip cookies or a homemade beef stew? If so, your list is similar to mine – and now we’re both hungry.

Comfort foods have simple ingredients, arrive in giant plates with epic sized portions and really do make us feel better.

A famous chef (I’d tell you who, but I’m old and forgetful) once said that some of the world’s best dishes come from times of hardship and poverty. Need proof? Check your social media feed.

While isolating, posts went from ‘look what I wore’ to ‘look what I made’. Flour was in short supply as we baked cakes and cookies. Yeast flew off the shelves as friends made bread for the very first time. Banana bread – how many different versions did you try?

We turned to recipes made by our mothers and grandmothers – and in doing so, realized that the real comfort comes from making it and sharing it.

It turns out, food is more than just a meal. It’s part of our history – a gift from the past. It’s a road map to passing time efficiently, caring for one other and enjoying something you made with love.

I imagine our ancestors beyond amused by the world-wide whining and complaining. We have to wear masks? Stay home and watch Netflix? Boo-hoo.

They had real struggles.

Instead of drowning in self-pity, they made the best of it. In doing so, they gave us the recipes and traditions that have helped us to feel productive and comforted during a world-wide pandemic.

Cooking, baking and eating with my family has been the most therapeutic part of the last few months (and the source of some guilt-free weight gain). If it’s been the same for you – let me know. And while you’re at it, feel free to share your favourites. In return, I’ll send you my life-changing jam-filled potato dumpling recipe. Yeah, it’s THAT good.

Stay safe, wear your damn mask and keep on cooking!
#knedle #crepeseveryday #messykitchen #Covid15 #IthinkitwasJamieOliver