5 things I’ve learned from walking in the cold.

I’m ashamed to say (geez, I say that a lot) that I’ve never been a winter walker.  My outdoor strolls were limited to perfect spring afternoons, cool summer mornings and crisp fall evenings.  

A little too cold, or a little too hot – and I had a million reasons to stay indoors.  COVID changed all that.

Now, almost daily, my girl and I bundle up and explore the great outdoors for at least an hour.   Roads, trails, forests, parks – nothing has been off limits.  These outings have quickly become my absolute favourite thing to do, which caused me to reflect on what this valuable time has taught me.

1. The colder it is, the safer it is. 

Yeah – you read that right, fear factors into most things that I do, so why would walking be any different? The combination of frigid temperatures and dressing like I’m on a polar expedition has removed all worries about mosquitos, ticks, poison ivy and snakes.  I’m guessing my singing scares off the coyotes which means all of my usual woodland concerns have been alleviated.  

2. My kid can talk for an hour straight.

I know this, because I’ve timed it. She doesn’t care if I contribute – I just need to toss in the occasional ‘mmm hmm’ to confirm I’m listening – because I am (mostly).  I’m rarely asked my opinion, unless it’s something like “would you rather eat rotten food or drink your own pee? “. Since I’m tired of hearing myself talk – this has been a stellar arrangement.        

3. My kid can talk about Minecraft for an hour straight.

No joke. I know all of the youtubers … Dream, Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, Quakity (these are people!). I can tell you about Minecraft ‘skins’ and what’s been added to her world lately.  It’s likely the most boring topic known to mankind – but she’s talking to me, and it’s wonderful.

4. My kid no longer laughs WITH me – she laughs AT me.   

I’m not sure when that changed – but I can assure you, it’s not as insulting as it sounds.  In the early years, a simple “peekaboo” got her giggling. Then, it was my silly jokes that did the trick.  Now, I just need to misquote a song lyric or dance in the street to get her reeling.  I know she’s making fun of me – but it doesn’t matter.  I’m prepared to go to any length to bring her joy.  Plus, laughing at myself is pretty easy, and to be fair, twerking in my snow boots really does look stupid. 

5. Getting fresh air has made all of this manageable.

Being stuck at home with my family is a bit of a dream – so I’m happy to do my part and #stayhome.  But even a homebody like me needs a change of scenery now and then.  The fresh air has helped to keep us sane, and has given me the most precious moments with my daughter.  She’ll be in grade 8 next year, which means she likely won’t speak to me again until she’s twenty, so the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

I’m going to miss these walks when the mosquitos come out and the ticks start looking for a body to burrow.  Maybe I can get her to take up needlepoint?  Suggestions are welcome.  Until then, if you see a mom wearing twelve layers, walking with a preteen with an open coat and no hat – honk.  It’s us.