Why my tears are my super power

Don’t let this smile fool you. 

I’m a crier.

Yes, I’m THAT person. The one that gets misty eyed during World Vision commercials and sobs during news reports from war zones. 

The one who gets choked up at weddings, baby showers and graduations. 

I cry when I see my kids happy.  When they’re sad – well, you can imagine.

I cried recently after seeing my best friend for the first time in 6 months.  When I realized I couldn’t hug her – I cried some more.

I cry when I think of the people I’ve lost, and again when I think of what they’re missing. Then, I cry thinking about those I could lose.

I cry when I’ve disappointed someone, when I’m angry, when I’m frustrated and when I’m proud.

I’ve been teased for being too sensitive. “Here she goes again!” is usually followed by an eye roll or a chuckle.

Having had plenty to puddle over these last few years, I’ve reflected on these comments and my propensity to get emotional.

What I’ve learned is that my sensitivity isn’t a flaw, a quirk or a default reaction. My sensitivity just makes me feel EVERYTHING.  Without knowing, my brain tunes into moods, insecurities, worry and anxiety.  I feel it all, and truth be told – it’s kinda my super power.

If you’re hurting – every layer affects me.  I’m in there with you.

When you’re happy, I think about how your life is affected and soak in every delightful emotion.

My sensitivity has made me a better employee, friend, daughter, mother and wife.   I’m more in tune to what people need, how to fix problems, how to make situations better and how to create joy.

So yeah – I cry.

And to my well-meaning critics – you should look into why my emotions make you so uncomfortable – ‘cause it’s making me kinda sad.  Just not enough to cry😊!

Are you a crier?  A sensitive soul?  I’d love to hear from you! 

#Icry #sensitive #criticssuck #meangirls #meanboys #superpower

p.s. Photo credit to my 12-year-old. With appreciation for not putting an emoji over my face this time. xo