Food IS love.

I recently read that people say ‘I love you’ in different ways. Like telling you to be safe, making you something, or my favourite – cooking for you.

Ahh, did this ever speak to me.  I love cooking for people and enjoy every part of the process.  I love thinking about what I’ll make, planning the presentation, drinking some wine, creating the shopping list, doing the shopping, taste testing, drinking a bit of wine, making a mess (seriously – I’m a MESSY cook), having some more wine, cleaning the mess and then finally, the big reveal.

 It’s no surprise that a party-planner like me would love the ‘show’ that comes with meal prep.  If I could incorporate pin lights, killer décor and live music – I’d do it!

OK, maybe I have.  My kitchen has seen its share of up-lighting, rental linens and flower arrangements.  Not to mention a belly dancer, tango dancers, a country singer and even a Gene Simmons look-alike. Not at the same time, of course. That would be crazy.

And if you’re wondering, Gene showed up when the theme was ‘Merry Kiss-mas’.  Perfectly reasonable.

But I digress. 

I especially love the people who appreciate my efforts, and I love knowing my food made them happy.

This is never truer then when I make crepes (I’m of #Croatian descent, so calling them #palacinke is a must) for my family every Sunday morning.  The repetition of pouring, flipping and stacking is almost meditative.  The smell, the process, the nod to my ancestors and the knowledge that my family will devour them in less time than it takes to make them – is all pure love. It’s no wonder it’s my favourite part of every weekend.

When I cook for someone, I OBSESS about getting it right. So yes, if I cook for you, I’m definitely saying “I love you”.

I bet you’ve never considered how much love your cooking has brought to others.  Take a moment and reflect with pride. Then, share your favourite love meal! I’m always looking for new obsessions.

#foodislove #palacinke #kissthecook #wine-o #Iloveyou