Coming out – PART ONE

By now just about everyone I know has been double vaxxed and boosted. Restrictions are lifting and the idea of safe socializing is on the horizon. Or is it?
For someone who cowers in the presence of small talk, the year ahead may be more of a challenge than two years in quarantine.
Can you imagine the conversations?
Me: What’s new!?
You: Nothing. You?
Me: Nothing.
Cricket. Cricket.
It would be ridiculous to gripe about the last two years.
Especially if you haven’t been sick or lost a loved one.
We did it to keep ourselves and our communities safe – and – literally everyone on the planet was in the same boat.
Simple stuff compared to real sacrifices we’re seeing across the globe.
Plus … in my case … I can’t complain about something I kinda enjoyed.
Force our kids to stay home with us?
Skip major events and parties?
Another day in my pjs?
Check, check, check!
So, as I look ahead to a year of social interaction, I’m wondering what I’ll have to say and how I’ll fill that dead air.
Will my Netflix selections seem interesting? Will people know what I mean when I say ‘That’s SO Beth”? Does anyone care that I made banana bread and organized my closets?
There’s a lot to consider and only a few weeks to figure it out – including which of my clothes still fit.
One thing is for sure. There’s a lot of people about to get some awkwardly long hugs.
Stay safe friends, it’s time to start getting excited – or, start inventing new excuses!
#Proudlyboring #BethDutton #PostCovid #theendisnear #InAGoodWay