Coming out – PART TWO.

Remember when the pandemic started and we missed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING?
Desperate for a glimpse of loved ones, we gathered on Zoom calls, piled into garages and braved the cold for even just a few minutes together.
We complained about missing movie theatres, travel, restaurants – and yes, even those loud bouncy places for kids. What I would’ve given to see my kid jacked-up on sugar jumping on a trampoline surrounded by her friends.
But as time passed, I started to enjoy the calm. Disconnecting felt good. The new routine brought simple pleasures and more time with the people I love most.
Game nights, puzzles, books, movies, hugs, laughter. Memories that will last a lifetime.
Slowly, we all seemed to get bored of Zoom meets and new variants made even outdoor gatherings questionable. A few waves later and our efforts for socializing began to wane.
I don’t know about you, but my wish list for seeing people tightened up as the pandemic wore on. Two years later, my list is MUCH smaller than the spring of 2020.
The things I want to see, do and experience have also narrowed and my wants and needs have become clearer and more significant. The opportunity for an adventure is so precious that I won’t waste a minute of it.
As a family, we’ve also noticed who has made the effort to stay connected. Two years of lockdown is a pretty good test on a relationship. My heart is full knowing that in some cases – COVID brought us closer.
As the gates open and we start to gather – our family won’t be in a rush to go back to the old ‘normal’. We’ll be testing the waters as we move forward with purpose, finding our new groove as a family and individuals.
To those on my list – you know who you are, and you can expect some very awkward hugging in your near future.
Y’all better load up on wine. I’ll be staying awhile.
You feeling the same? I’d love to hear!