Author: myinsidevoicepm

Running out of gas. Literally.

Running out of gas. Literally.

So, I’m that person. The person who ignored the light and ran out of gas. The person whose carsputtered to a dead stop at a major intersection, during peak traffic. The person who nodded inagreement when a strange man pulled up to yell “You’re a 

Coming out – PART TWO.

Coming out – PART TWO.

Remember when the pandemic started and we missed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING?  Desperate for a glimpse of loved ones, we gathered on Zoom calls, piled into garages and braved the cold for even just a few minutes together. We complained about missing movie theatres, travel, restaurants 

Coming out – PART ONE

Coming out – PART ONE

By now just about everyone I know has been double vaxxed and boosted.  Restrictions are lifting and the idea of safe socializing is on the horizon. Or is it?For someone who cowers in the presence of small talk, the year ahead may be more of 

Things are feeling shitty.

Things are feeling shitty.

When you’re over forty (OK, fifty), the time between a medical test and receiving the results can be excruciating.  EXCRUCIATING. As I write, I’m waiting for the outcome of a colonoscopy and the five polyps that didn’t survive the procedure. The little assholes (pun intended) 

She saved my hair

She saved my hair

So, she saved my hair. Not just any hair, my two glorious braids. The braids that I wore daily for most of my childhood. The braids that family and schoolmates first think of because wearing my hair down was never an option. Lost was the 



My cousin Philip phoned me the other day to catch-up. Philip is part cousin, part friend, part brother and definitely one of my favourite people on the planet. While speaking, I noticed that I was shouting instead of talking. SHOUTING. I shared this observation with 

Even I can’t believe I’m writing about this.

Even I can’t believe I’m writing about this.

I recently shared a fun conversation with my bff. The topic? My anxiety ‘quirks’ and ‘concerns’. Some of them, (I’ll admit) a little over the top. Imagine my joy when she quickly assured me that she shared similar thoughts and worries. I wasn’t alone. While 

Food IS love.

Food IS love.

I recently read that people say ‘I love you’ in different ways. Like telling you to be safe, making you something, or my favourite – cooking for you. Ahh, did this ever speak to me.  I love cooking for people and enjoy every part of 

Yes, they’re fake.

Yes, they’re fake.

If you currently have the boobs you were born with, and aren’t worried about losing them – this post ISN’T for you.  This is for the gal searching hashtags like #mastectomy, #reconstruction and #breastcancer.  The one who found out she needs to start removing things to survive. 

Potted plants, aliens and tradition. My thoughts on fall.

Potted plants, aliens and tradition. My thoughts on fall.

Well friends, it’s that time of year – and I can officially say that I have done my civic duty. No, I’m not talking about voting (I did that too). I’m talking about putting mums on my porch. Somehow, at some point, someone decided that