Even I can’t believe I’m writing about this.

Even I can’t believe I’m writing about this.

I recently shared a fun conversation with my bff. The topic? My anxiety ‘quirks’ and ‘concerns’. Some of them, (I’ll admit) a little over the top. Imagine my joy when she quickly assured me that she shared similar thoughts and worries. I wasn’t alone. While 

Yes, they’re fake.

Yes, they’re fake.

If you currently have the boobs you were born with, and aren’t worried about losing them – this post ISN’T for you.  This is for the gal searching hashtags like #mastectomy, #reconstruction and #breastcancer.  The one who found out she needs to start removing things to survive. 

Potted plants, aliens and tradition. My thoughts on fall.

Potted plants, aliens and tradition. My thoughts on fall.

Well friends, it’s that time of year – and I can officially say that I have done my civic duty. No, I’m not talking about voting (I did that too). I’m talking about putting mums on my porch. Somehow, at some point, someone decided that 

Why my tears are my super power

Why my tears are my super power

Don’t let this smile fool you.  I’m a crier. Yes, I’m THAT person. The one that gets misty eyed during World Vision commercials and sobs during news reports from war zones.  The one who gets choked up at weddings, baby showers and graduations.  I cry 

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

Our beautiful weather had me thinking about this piece I wrote a few years ago for my local newspaper. The start of spring ALWAYS makes me feel this way. I’m sharing because everything here still applies – except the parts about gathering as a group 

Insert Cute Photo Here.

Insert Cute Photo Here.

My brain is never a quiet place. Never.
My ‘inside voice’ is like an overbearing auntie with an opinion on everything, and never shuts up.

5 things I’ve learned from walking in the cold.

5 things I’ve learned from walking in the cold.

I’m ashamed to say (geez, I say that a lot) that I’ve never been a winter walker.  My outdoor strolls were limited to perfect spring afternoons, cool summer mornings and crisp fall evenings.   A little too cold, or a little too hot – and I 



Well, I’ve been #challenged.
My challenger is such a lovely person (yes you Deb McVeety), that I decided to accept – but I needed to do a little research before moving forward.

Why you need to thank Grandma for your #COVID15

Why you need to thank Grandma for your #COVID15

Have you noticed that in stressful times – we turn to simple comfort foods and not fancy cuisine? Think about it. Can you really enjoy culinary wizardry with teeny portions and exquisite presentations – while curled up on the sofa in your sweatpants? That’s a 

She Dresses Herself

She Dresses Herself

I’m embarrassed to admit how many times the words “She dresses herself” have come out of my mouth. Yes, I have one of those independent dressers that insists on selecting her own outfits. As a result, I have often felt the need to point out