MIV Unsolicited Advice: Weddings

MIV Unsolicited Advice: Weddings

I’m no Elizabeth Taylor, but with two weddings under my belt, I consider myself a bit of marriage aficionado.  I’ve been the bride at a ‘big fat’ wedding AND a cozy, casual wedding – plus, I’ve attended more ceremonies than I care to count. Which 

Christmas Villain

Christmas Villain

It was 1970 something. The absence of my younger sister in this memory puts me at about 6-years-old. My folks, relatively new to Canada, hadn’t received the memo on extravagant Christmas hoopla. Décor was limited to one tree and two gifts. One gift for little 

50 is the new 50

50 is the new 50

Until a friend brought it up – blogging about turning 50 really hadn’t occurred to me. After all, it’s just another birthday. But if I’m being honest, I think the real reason for my indifference – was that while reaching this milestone birthday (that I 

The 5 things I learned about myself in Croatia.

The 5 things I learned about myself in Croatia.

1. I need to chill. To quote my fellow bus passenger 8 hours into a 6 hour trip – “Welcome to Croatia. No one gives a f@#k about anything here.”  Followed by “- it’s awesome”.  He was right. Not caring about time made for longer, more 

End of Summer

End of Summer

I once heard a comedian say that June 25th is the cutoff date for summer swimsuit panic. Think about it … spring is filled with diet and exercise anxiety- all in anticipation of that first bathing suit reveal.  Once the horror of that first exposure 



Well … I got told! Put in my place. Mildly reprimanded. Yes, I was wrong and now I’m here to make amends.  I recently wrote about girlfriends. My soul sisters and the importance of good friendships.  What I neglected to mention was the importance of 

Being Perfect is Exhausting

Being Perfect is Exhausting

For how long have women tortured themselves over ‘having it all’? Is it the working gal or the at-home mom that lives the dream? I’ll tell you who it is. It’s the one that doesn’t overthink it, that’s who. Sitting here in the epicenter of 

It’s all about the hair

It’s all about the hair

I often joke that he’s the second longest relationship I’ve ever had with a man. The first being my father. No, I’m not talking about my husband, son or brother, yet he ranks up there as one of the most important male figures in my 

Daddy’s Girl

Daddy’s Girl

“Go ask your mother.” I can’t tell you how many times I heard that over the years. Most women would admit that their dads preferred a hands-off approach to raising them. I know mine certainly did. He had pretty strong opinions on what I SHOULDN’T 

I’ve decided to come out of the closet

I’ve decided to come out of the closet

Let’s get this out of the way. Now and then, I watch trash television. There. I feel better already. I also watch the news, follow political commentary, read the paper, and listen to news radio. I may not be a Rhodes Scholar, but I consider