Why my tears are my super power

Why my tears are my super power

Don’t let this smile fool you.  I’m a crier. Yes, I’m THAT person. The one that gets misty eyed during World Vision commercials and sobs during news reports from war zones.  The one who gets choked up at weddings, baby showers and graduations.  I cry 

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

Our beautiful weather had me thinking about this piece I wrote a few years ago for my local newspaper. The start of spring ALWAYS makes me feel this way. I’m sharing because everything here still applies – except the parts about gathering as a group 

Insert Cute Photo Here.

Insert Cute Photo Here.

My brain is never a quiet place. Never.
My ‘inside voice’ is like an overbearing auntie with an opinion on everything, and never shuts up.

Failed Covid Goals

Failed Covid Goals

It’s funny. When COVID became a ‘thing’ and we were all sent home to hide, I really thought it would be my creative revolution. The pause in time that would allow me to tap into my inside voice – which has mysteriously gone missing. Locked 

9 years ago today, I was told I had cancer.

9 years ago today, I was told I had cancer.

My first reaction was pretty typical for me. The doctors that delivered the news appeared devastated. Their faces told me they’d lost sleep thinking about telling the 43 year old mom of two, that she had breast cancer. So – I cracked a few jokes 

8 simple things that will surely make you feel happier.

8 simple things that will surely make you feel happier.

Well folks, it’s February. The time when we start to realize we haven’t thought about our New Year’s resolutions since midnight December 31st. Which is why I don’t make resolutions. Breaking them makes me feel like a shmuck only weeks into a brand new year. 

She Dresses Herself

She Dresses Herself

I’m embarrassed to admit how many times the words “She dresses herself” have come out of my mouth. Yes, I have one of those independent dressers that insists on selecting her own outfits. As a result, I have often felt the need to point out 

MIV Unsolicited Advice: Weddings

MIV Unsolicited Advice: Weddings

I’m no Elizabeth Taylor, but with two weddings under my belt, I consider myself a bit of marriage aficionado.  I’ve been the bride at a ‘big fat’ wedding AND a cozy, casual wedding – plus, I’ve attended more ceremonies than I care to count. Which 

MIV unsolicited advice: Friendship

MIV unsolicited advice: Friendship

First, my golden rule – don’t trust anyone that doesn’t like food.  I don’t care if it’s vegan, gluten-free, fine dining or Taco Bell. For me, it’s the idea that you enjoy food for the flavour and the experience, not the sustenance. My best conversations 

#MarieKondo, a dumpster and a set of braids.

#MarieKondo, a dumpster and a set of braids.

I didn’t need #MarieKondo to nudge me into organizing this month.  I’ve always been a ‘tosser’.   This month’s super-gratifying cleanse filled a dumpster (no joke) and sent 12 giant bags to the donation bin.  But just like every annual purge, I stumbled on one item that