I’ve always been one to share. Maybe too much sometimes. I’m the girl that blurts out what everyone else is thinking, says what no one else will. It’s not intentional. I genuinely can’t control it. The older I get, the harder it is to hold back my often brutal honesty. I call it my ‘inside voice’, but I’ve been dangling it on the outside for so long that sharing it in a public way seemed like the natural order of things.

I find that in the moments when I’m most forthright, most sincere, and most personal, walls come down and others find themselves sharing too. I’ve become instantly connected with strangers by admitting a flaw, failure or disappointment. I’ve also aligned myself with some of the coolest people I know by giving them an honest opinion.

Who am I? I’m a working mom and happy wife, blogging for fun to get that ‘inside voice’ out.  My handsome hubby and mortified children are just happy that I have some place to vent.

If you can relate – be sure to connect. Knowing I’m not the only obsessing, panicked lunatic that enjoys laughing at herself, really is comforting.

So that’s me. A pretty normal girl, living a normal life … eating Nutella right out of the jar just like everyone else (right?).